Pie 64

Unbaked pie on a black background. The pie art is made to look like a human vulva.


Pie 63

A vulva pie on a black background. The pie is surrounded with pie crust leaves and is painted to look like a realistic vulva.

Pie 62

Mini-pie on a black background decorated with hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with spiral border

Pie 61

A pie on a black border with hand sculpted vulva made of pie dough.

Pie 60

Pie on black background with realistic vulva art made from multicolored pie dough.

Pie 59

A pie with vulva pie crust art on a black background.

Pie 58

A vulva pie for Pies in the Window on a black background. The Pie features hand-sculpted pie crust art and pubic hair surrounded my pie dough leaves.
Mini vulva pie on black background with hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with pie crust leaves

Series 6, Pie 57
4″ Cherry Pie
Hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with pie crust leaves

I had the joy of sculpting this pie based on reference photos from MJ. She has overcome so much to have this wonderful relationship with her body and now spends her life helping others to do the same. In her own words:

“Hey there! I am an LMFT & a sex therapist! My journey begins as a highly sexually curious child living within the restriction & compulsory heterosexuality of conservative Christian purity culture. Years later, I continue deconstructing internalized purity culture, homophobia, & shame about my body and my sexuality in numerous & incomprehensibly subtle ways every single day as I seek to live an empowered, loving, queer life & support others in doing the exact same. I love my work as a sex therapist. I love my body. I love my queer community. I really love good sex. & I love my vulva!”

Mini vulva pie on black background with hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with pie crust leaves

If you would like to be a model and add to the beautiful vulva pie gallery, please, read more about it here.

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Pie 56

A vulva pie on a black background. The pie has brown pubic hair and is surrounded my pie crust hearts. The vulva art is painted to look like a realistic vulva.