Pie 61

A pie on a black border with hand sculpted vulva made of pie dough.

Series 6, Pie 61
4″ Cherry Pie
Hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with a butterfly border

The reference photo for this pie was submitted anonymously via my website model page. I would like to thank her publicly for allowing me to sculpt her and trusting me with her anonymity.

Part of the reason I choose to make these so realistic is so that we can all see the variety and know that whether we have innies or outies, different skin pigmentation or hair, flaps or folds that we are normal.

“The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.” -William Somerset Maugham

A baked pie on a black border with hand sculpted vulva made of pie dough.

Model for Pies in the Window

This project wouldn’t be possible without the lovely people who share their stories and images with me and I cannot thank them enough for participating.

If you would like to be a model and add to the beautiful vulva pie gallery, please, read more about it here.

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