Series 7, Pie 67
4″ Blueberry pie
Hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with cut and cut hand sculpted pie crust decorations
This pie was made in collaboration with @thebelleswells and it’s an honor to get to show what I made in her image. You can see the baked version by following the link to “The Window” on my profile.
On encyclopedia.com under “Genitalia, As Apotropaic” it states:
Many cultures around the world have used genitals, representations of genitals, or symbols of genitals in ritual practices to fend off evil or inclement weather, in architecture to keep evil away, and in wars as a defensive strategy. Linked in many cultures to childbirth and creation, female genitalia are potently apotropaic, though they may have dangerous effects as well. In ancient Greece a woman exposing her genitals was believed to drive away devils, evil spirits, and ill-willed deities; scare attacking troops; keep dangerous animals at bay; and calm the elements, including whirlwinds and lightning.
It comforts me to think that this art is “potently apotropaic.”

Model for Pies in the Window
This project wouldn’t be possible without the lovely people who share their stories and images with me and I cannot thank them enough for participating.
If you would like to submit a photo and become part of the Pies in the Window Project, please check out the Model Submission Page.
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