Tart 2

A top view of a lemon cream tart decorated with piped whipped cream and a hand sculpted vulva painted to look like a realistic human vulva with dark pigmented skin

Tart 1

A lemon cream tart with a hand sculpted vulva decorating the top. The vulva is painted to look like real flesh.

Cake 2, Half

Half of a cake hand sculpted to look like a realistic boob. Cake is white on a pink depression glass cake platter.

Cake 2, Cut Wide Open

4 layer chocolate cake with vanilla swiss meringue buttercream, decorated to look like realistic breasts. The cake is cut in half down the center and separated exposing the interior of the cake.

Cake 2, Top View

A top-down view of a very realistic boob cake sitting on a pink depression glass cake plate

Cake 2, Frontal View

A chocolate cake, covered in modeling chocolate, hand sculpted to look like realistic full sized breasts.

Cake 2, 3/4 View

Hand sculpted cake covered in white modeling chocolate on a pink depression glass cake plate. The cake is a 3/4 view of a realistic large breast.

Cake 2, Side View

Hand sculpted cake covered in white modeling chocolate on a pink depression glass cake plate. The cake is a side view of a realistic large breast.

Cake 1, Slice

Cake 1, Cake with Slice Removed

A cake sculpted to look like a woman's breast with a slice removed.

6 inch 4 layer buttermilk cake with Swiss meringue buttercream

Hand sculpted, covered with modeling chocolate

When I posted these images on Instagram, I ended up giving the last the images with the cake sliced captions that were also song titles. This one was “Piece of My Heart,” Erma Franklin’s version.

Original Text from the Instagram Post:

Piece of my heart…

Image 5 of 6, Cake 1
6” Hand sculpted buttermilk cake with vanilla SMBC

This one was my favorite shot. 🍰♥️

Even with a piece missing, she’s self assured- maybe because the piece is missing- her inner beauty is exposed.


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