Tart 5

A French Chocolate Orange tart on a black background. A hand sculpted vulva art made of chocolate sits in the center of the tart with piped whipped cream surrounding the vulva.

6″ Classic French Chocolate Orange Tart with piped Chantilly cream

Crust is pâte sucrée

Hand sculpted modeling chocolate vulva painted with Edible Artist’s Oil Paints

This vulva tart is part of the 5th series I’ve created using vulvas on desserts exploring vulva diversity and the objectification of the vulva.

Original Text from the Instagram Post:

“A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who checks her watch.” ~ James Beard

We all know that’s one unsatisfied tart if she’s checking her watch.

Tart 5 is a 6″ Classic French Chocolate Orange Tart, with piped Chantily Cream and hand sculpted chocolate vulva art.


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