Cake 1, Slice with Cake

Hand sculpted buttermilk cake with Swiss meringue buttercream. Cake is sculpted to look like realistic breasts. One breast is sliced out of the cake and on a plate on the lower right side of the image. The sliced cake in the background.

Cake 1, Side View

A hand sculpted cake covered in white modeling chocolate made to look like realistic breasts
White modeling chocolate covered, hand sculpted cake made to look like breasts

6 inch 4 layer buttermilk cake with Swiss meringue buttercream

Hand sculpted, covered with modeling chocolate

Original Text from the Instagram Post:

Here’s image 2 out of 6 of Cake 1 ♥️🥰

I remember this little rhyme my friends and I used to say when we were around 11 or 12 yrs old:

“We must, we must, we must increase our bust! The bigger, the better, the tighter the sweater! We must increase our bust!”

We’d say this while doing this ridiculous exercise that probably had no bearing on our chest muscles and definitely had no hope of impacting or size!

I’m mortified now thinking back to that time period. I really didn’t knew any other use for my parts other than their potential as “bait.” I don’t think there was even a thought that it wasn’t the way it should be.

I’m so happy to see all of the programs now that teach young people about consent and body autonomy and self acceptance. We really have come a long way.

6” 4 layer white cake with Swiss meringue buttercream


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Cake 1

a hand sculpted cake covered in white modeling chocolate made to look like a statue of realistic breasts

Pie 45

Pie 44

Pie 43

Pie 42

unbaked six inch cherry berry berry pie with hand sculpted pie crust art made to look like a vulva with exposed labia majora and brown, pubic hair

Series 4/ Pie 41

6″ Cherry Berry Berry Pie

Made from scratch with all butter crust

Hand sculpted pie crust art, colored with natural cocoa and turmeric powder

baked six inch cherry berry berry pie with hand sculpted pie crust art made to look like a vulva with exposed labia majora and brown, pubic hair

Original Text from the Instagram Post:

One of my favorite parts of doing this series has been learning about pubic hair and the stories around it.

For this piece, I got to dive in to the names of the hair styles. I think this one is either a “top knot” or a “short bikini” – but that’s just what I could guess from pictures and articles I’ve found online.

I have never considered my pubic hair or body hair in relation to my status as a feminist, but apparently there are people who feel like a “bad feminist” for shaving. I’m calling BS on that right now.

A feminist takes ownership of their own body and empowers others to do the same. Let’s not shame each other or make it a contest.

I also recognize knowing the roots of our grooming practices can make anyone buck the norms. I fully support that too!

Be your sexy self!

Pie 41
6” Cherry Berry Berry
Hand sculpted pie crust, colored with natural cocoa powder and turmeric


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Get fresh baked news about Pies in the Window on the first Friday of every month!

Pie 40