Pie 68
4″ Cherry Pie with Cocoa Crust
Hand-sculpted, hand painted, with sugar pearl piercings
Original text from Instagram:
This beauty was created in collaboration with @ca_purington who graciously allowed me use of their image for reference. You can see the baked version on my website.
I deeply enjoy doing this work for you and being trusted by everyone who has agreed to participate and submit photo references for me. If you would like to submit a photo, you can do frontal, reclining, or both and remain anonymous if you wish. The submission form in in the links in my profile. ❤
Now I’m going to share a personal story that may be too far out there for some of you, but I feel like sharing it:
This morning I was rereading my morning pages from February 28, 2022 (because I was going through the same notepad backwards using all of the backs of the paper this time 😆) and I had written about a dream I had.
I was so excited because I had been visited by the Goddess in my dream telling me that creating vulvas was a gift to her and that she had been displaced. Each instance of vulva-feminine energy was a drop in the bucket towards her restoration, her love, and her rebirthing of us all. She told me each one mattered and that quantity mattered.
I had forgotten I even had that dream! Maybe my Bible Belt upbringing didn’t allow it to stay in my brain, but it was so nice to find that affirmation again today. Have you had any dreams that you felt were more than just a dream?
#piesinthewindow #vivalavulva #selflove #vulvapower #divinefeminineart #yoni #yoniverse #figureart #theythemtheirs #anatomy #yoniart #sculpted #handmade #contemporaryartist #conceptualart

Model for Pies in the Window
This project wouldn’t be possible without the lovely people who share their stories and images with me and I cannot thank them enough for participating.
If you would like to submit a photo and become part of the Pies in the Window Project, please check out the Model Submission Page.
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