Series 7, Pie 66
4″ Blueberry pie
Hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with cut and cut hand sculpted pie crust decorations
Original text from Instagram:
In making this pie, I used a reference photo submitted to my website. She also shared these words:
“I feel like for so much of my life, my body has been hyper-sexualized and made to feel like it existed for someone else’s pleasure. I’m sending in this photo because I want to reclaim my body and recontextualize it as neutral. Sexuality is a glorious part of who I am, but it’s only one aspect. Just like sexuality is part of vulva art, but not the only thing it’s about. 💗”
The baked version can be seen on my website along with the link to submit your images if you would like to participate as a model.
#piesinthewindow #vulvadiversity #yoni #vivalavulva #handsculpted #flesh #newart #bodyacceptance #vulvalove #bodyneutrality #bodyneutralitymovement

Model for Pies in the Window
This project wouldn’t be possible without the lovely people who share their stories and images with me and I cannot thank them enough for participating.
If you would like to submit a photo and become part of the Pies in the Window Project, please check out the Model Submission Page.
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