Series 6, Pie 63
4″ Cherry Pie
Hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with cut and cut hand sculpted pie crust leaves/ flames
This pie art was made in collaboration with @theartoftantra – her story resonated with me and I think many of you will also identify on a personal level with her mission. In her own words:
“As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse & incest it has taken me a lifetime to learn to feel safe to be seen, valued & loved as I am. My work is dedicated to supporting trauma recovery so that we might all know our beauty.”
I appreciate her so much and that she shared this image and story with us. (Plus, I got to do my first tattoo 🖤🖤🖤!)
This is the final photo in Series 6, the first series featuring all submitted images from wonderful, generous people who were moved in one way or another to participate in this project. If you feel moved to participate, I would be honored. There is a link in my profile to find out more! (You can remain completely anonymous or share as much about yourself as you’d like.)

Model for Pies in the Window
This project wouldn’t be possible without the lovely people who share their stories and images with me and I cannot thank them enough for participating.
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