Series 6, Pie 60
4″ Cherry Pie
Hand sculpted, hand painted vulva art surrounded with a pie rope border and small flowers.
This pie was created in collaboration with a wonderful person and strong advocate for women. I invite you to read her words:
“I like to think of my vagina as my little side kick. The hype girl between my legs. And through my work in Ladybits and Leadership, I help other women reframe their thoughts about their vulvas, vaginas, and sexuality to a more positive and empowered way.
For too long I viewed my ladybits as the enemy- she and I were constantly at war with each other. I would tell her things like- you’re too ugly, smelly, you are a slut, you are irresponsible, you are dirty, you deserved what you got. What I realized over time, was I was telling myself that. I internalized all those messages of shame and disgust about my own body, and it hurt my self image and confidence. I shrank myself. I settled for less than I was worth.
That was until I began to see the joy my ladybits brought me- multiple orgasms, pleasure, joy, fun, and eventually an incredible child. During birth, I felt myself connected to the billions of mothers before and the billons of mothers that would come after me.
The Māori people of New Zealand call a woman’s womb “te whare tangata”- the house of humanity. Now THAT is some powerful reframing for our ladybits and I am here for it. May we all begin to see our vulvas for what they are- the portal to humanity, a source of joy, pleasure, love, and healing.”

Model for Pies in the Window
This project wouldn’t be possible without the lovely people who share their stories and images with me and I cannot thank them enough for participating.
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