An unbaked pie on a black background. The pie is adorned with a frontal view of a human vulva with dark pubic hair all made from pie dough.

Pie 76

6″ Cherry Pie

Hand sculpted vulva art, hand painted with edible paints

Original from the Instagram post

Pie 76

This art was made in collaboration with Alyssa. She gave me permission to use her image for this image and Pie 73, which is a different point of view, and these shared words:

“I always felt so uncomfortable about my vulva. Growing up in a conservative, christian household, my sexuality and nudity was taught to me as something to be ashamed of- something to hide, something dirty. As I grew older and realized that I was not straight, I also began to question my gender. What followed was years of fierce gender dysphoria, and the furthering hatred of my own body. I completely abandoned any traits of my femininity and often thought about how I could change my vulva into ANYTHING else. Now, I realize my gender dysmorphia was really rooted in sexist, conformist ideology that expected women to be small, humble, and pleasing to men. I am none of those things, nor do I want to be. I thought this meant I had to erase my femininity entirely but really- it meant I had to embrace it. Now, I dress how I want, which is feminine some days, masculine others. I shave when and where I want. But most of all- I love my body *exactly* as it comes. I am beautiful exactly as I come. I fit every description of what a female is- no matter how I choose to present myself or how well I conform. I still struggle with discomfort surrounding my vulva, but this project has really helped me see just how beautiful we all are!! I can’t wait to possibly be turned into art as well, ‘flaws’ and all.”

I’m was very excited to be able to have enough images submitted to share the reclining and frontal views from each model for a whole series! After I post it all the images will line up together on my profile grid so you will be able to see them side by side. (UNLESS more of them are removed like Pie 74 was – then I’ll just have to do the best I can. 😩🤬😢

#piesinthewindow #contemporaryartist #artfrommodel #handsculpted #figuresculpture #artwithamessage #selfacceptancejourney

A baked pie on a black background. The pie is adorned with a frontal view of a human vulva with dark pubic hair all made from pie dough.

Reclining and Frontal Side By Side Images

Reclining and Frontal Side By Side Image of two pies sculpted to look like vulvas
Reclining and Frontal Side By Side Image of two pies sculpted to look like vulvas

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Content Removed Pie 74

Pie 75 with a banner across it that says Content Removed. This was a vulva pie on a black background that was removed by Meta.

Pie 75

Pie created in the likeness of a vulva. The pie in on a black background with overlapping pie crust circles for the border. The vulva has a silver piercing through the right labia made of pie dough.

Pie 74

A pie on a black background. The pie is adorned with a realistic vulva surrounded my hearts cut out of pie dough.

Pie 73

Unbaked version of Pie 73, pie top is decorated with an anatomically correct vulva and hand painted with realistic colors. The pie is on a black background.

Pie 72

Unbaked cherry pie on a black background. The pie has hand painted vulva art made of real pie dough.

Pie 71

Pie on a black background. The pie art depics a pink vulva

Pie 70

Hand sculpted and hand painted vulva art on a real cherry pie on a black background

Pie 69

Pie 68

Unbaked vulva pie with cocoa crust on a black background. The pie looks like a human vulva with a pierced clitoral hood.