6 inch 4 layer chocolate cake with Swiss meringue buttercream
Hand sculpted, covered with modeling chocolate
1. outspread, spread, outstretched, splayed, fully open, fully extended, gaping He came towards her with his arms wide open in welcome.
2. unprotected, open, exposed, vulnerable, at risk, in danger, susceptible, defenceless, in peril The virus leaves the body wide open to infection.
3. uncertain, unsettled, unpredictable, up for grabs (informal), indeterminate, anybody’s guess (informal) The match was still wide open at half-time.
Original Text from the Instagram Post:
Cut Wide Open
1. outspread, spread, outstretched, splayed, fully open, fully extended, gaping.
2. unprotected, open, exposed, vulnerable, at risk, in danger, susceptible, defenceless, in peril
3. uncertain, unsettled, unpredictable, up for grabs (informal), indeterminate, anybody’s guess (informal)
Cake 2/ Image 5 of 6
4 layer, hand sculpted chocolate cake with vanilla SMBC
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