Pie 88
6″ Apple Pie
Hand sculpted vulva art
Original text from Instagram here:
Pie 88 was made in collaboration with Sonia de Luna. (This is the 2nd sculpture I’ve made using her image- see Pie 71.) Here are her beautiful and powerful words:
As a woman who has endured the pains of this womanhood – a body assaulted
my sex
my heart
my self
abused, misused, squandered, and left for dead….
I modeled for this artwork as the final touches of my rite of self reclamation
A clear and absolute declaration
Of self love.
I’d no longer wait for someone to see me.
to fix me
to heal me
to pick me
It was never their job
I had waited….for a long time,
I waited in the shadows and dark corners for someone to do those things
Until I realized this was my job
I finally saw myself.
In all my glory and gore.
The good the bad the ugly
the obscene
And the pristine
The demon
The saint
The beautiful mess
The possibility
Where my imperfections were flawless
And I was worthy of my own love
And I fixed me
And I healed me
And I picked me.
I am my own
infinite love
I am own woman
My body runneth over
I drip and gush
I bleed and blush
And I’m damn tasty too.
Best freakin moon pie.
Says I.
#piesinthewindow #embodied #conceptualart #socialcommentary #StillIRise #yonilove #feministart #yoni #sexualassaultsurvivor #selfreclamation
With this group, I lost a lot of detail in baking the pies. Sometimes this happens, whether it was the heat of the oven, not letting the pies cure long enough before baking them, or something in the processing of the crust, I don’t know for sure. I have a feeling that this time it was my impatience to bake them. It happens sometimes and I have learned to live with it as part of using food as a media.
I am extremely happy with the reclining and frontal views side by side though!
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