Pie 85
4″ Apple Pie, Made from Scratch, Hand Sculpted
This pie was made in collaboration with the ever clever @the_girlabides. She is unapologetic in her art and social commentary, and I am delighted that she chose to be part of my art.
She and I have faced many moments of similar frustrations with the platform. The most memorable I have is when I shared her content in my stories and got the same punishment and threats of lost privileges that I would have gotten if I shared my own art! It’s frustrating. Since you’re here, I’m sure you know exactly what I’m saying. 🫶
This sculpture is made with hand sculpted pie dough and is a 4-inch, made from scratch apple pie. This is the first time I’ve used apples for Pies in the Window pies because they are typically have a more rustic surface, but the symbolism of the apple was too good to pass up considering current events.
I also went back to a raw surface with no added colors, like in the beginning. I haven’t posted new art since March 30th and returning to the basics felt right.
#piesinthewindow #figurativesculpture #feministartist #artispowerful #womanartist #handsculpted

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