Series 5, Pie 52
6″ Blueberry Pie
Hand sculpted vulva art surrounded with cut and cut hand sculpted pie crust daisies
This pie celebrates vulva diversity and the daisy as a symbol of purity, innocence, new beginnings, and chasity.

Original Text from the Instagram Post:
Pie 52
Daisies represent innocence and purity, love and new beginnings. Sometimes daisies are given to new mothers to celebrate.
My favorite story of the daisy is the Roman myth of Vertumnus and Belides.
Vertumnus, god of seasons and gardens, became enamored with Belides, a nymph. He continuously pursued her, and in order to escape his affections she turned herself into a daisy.” (source ftd.com)
It’s terrible that when faced with her options she felt that she would rather be a flower on her own terms that be a conquest of his.
de·flow·er | \ (ˌ)dē-ˈflau̇(-ə)r \
deflowered; deflowering; deflowers
1: to deprive of virginity
2: to take away the prime beauty of
Baked Pie 52
This pie smelled divine while baking. The aroma filled my home with fresh blueberry pie for a whole day! It was glorious.
And also brings me to something I’ve been I wanting to talk about -the stigma of how we smell.
When I taught middle school, there was a girl who the boys called “Fishy.” When I tried to tell them to stop, she stopped me. She said, “It’s ok, it’s fine.” Her eyes begged me to leave it alone.
When I was in middle school, my father loved saying “I wonder what fish smelled like before women started swimming.” He would laugh and laugh and so would any women nearby.
Then the other day, @ahighfiveyearold and I were talking about an ad for what looked like a vat of “intimate washes and wipes” covered in floral packaging. They pointed out that this type of advertising just caters to the shame stigma. That using products like that could mask real health issues and you’d be much better off consulting a health expert than dousing yourself in possible irritants!
Your vulva shouldn’t smell like flowers. It should have a mild odor ranging from tangy to musky and it changes based on good bacteria, stress, and activity. It’s a natural smell and only needs to be cleaned with warm water and, if you’d like, mild soap.
If it smells fishy or foul, it could be bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis or some other medical issue. These can be cured and should be checked out by a health care professional.
#piesinthewindow#vulvacare#vulva#breakthestigma#vaginalcare#yoniverse#yoni#yonicare#vulvaart#feministart#vulva contemporaryart
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