4″ x 6″ Red Velvet Cake, decorated with hand sculpted modeling chocolate, painted with edible artists oil paints, packaged in a styrofoam meat tray with a custom label
Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference by Audre Lorde

Feminism as a Lifework: A dedication to bell hooks
Original Text from the Instagram Post:
Fresh Meat 80% Lean
We have chosen each other
and the edge of each others battles
the war is the same
if we lose
someday women’s blood will congeal
upon a dead planet
if we win
there is no telling
we seek beyond history
for a new and more possible meeting
“Change means growth, and growth can be painful. But we sharpen self-definition by
exposing the self in work and struggle together with those whom we define as different from ourselves,
although sharing the same goals. For Black and white, old and young, lesbian and heterosexual
women alike, this can mean new paths to our survival.”
The above words were an excerpt from Audre Lorde’s paper Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference. I’ll put a link to the whole paper on this image post on my website if you would like to read it.
4″ x 6″ Red Velvet Cake, decorated with hand sculpted
modeling chocolate, painted with Edible Artist’s Oil
Paints, packaged in a styrofoam meat tray with custom
Fresh Meat 80% Lean, View 2
“Feminism is necessary because of what has not ended: sexism, sexual exploitation, and sexual oppression.” ~ feministkilljoys.com
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