4″ x 6″ Red Velvet Cake, decorated with hand sculpted modeling chocolate, painted with edible artists oil paints, packaged in a styrofoam meat tray with a custom label

Original Text from the Instagram Post:
Fresh Meat 67% Lean
Being a she/her/hers the “fresh meat” feeling doesn’t only apply to being sexually objectified.
Our bodies are under constant scrutiny and evaluation from others and then we turn against ourselves.
Too fat, too thin, too hairy, too much surgery, needs surgery, booty too flat, booty too fat, belly too jiggly, legs too muscular, she’s too tall, too short…
This goes on and on from our hair to our toes.
Have you noticed that no matter what condition your body is in, there is a beauty or fitness ad suggesting that you should want it to be better?
From the time we hit puberty and our bodies start changing, we are subjected to a never ending barrage of ideal beauty standards.
It’s too much. Most of us can’t look in the mirror without starting the criticism reel and it is heartbreaking.
I wish I knew all the answers to magically stop it. All I know is that the more we are aware of it the more we can interrupt the thoughts and turn towards behaviors that help us enjoy the body we have.
4″ x 6″ Red Velvet Cake, decorated with hand sculpted modeling chocolate, painted with Edible Artist’s Oil Paints, packaged in a styrofoam meat tray with custom label
Fresh Meat 67% Lean, second image
We can work years of our lives for recognition, a title, admittance to a university, an internship, or a dream role, and it all comes crashing down when we find out they thought of us as “fresh meat.”
They rattle our confidence and diminish our enjoyment. We question our life choices and if we can have success and dignity at the same time.
Comply and everyone says that’s why we’re successful. Reject them and risk violence or the ending of our successful streak. Fight back and be discredited and dragged through the court of public opinion.
We’ve become quite adept at playing this game, but I dream of a world where a young girl, full of hope and possibilities, can walk on campus for the first day without leering boys and professors checking out the fresh meat.
#piesinthewindow #freshmeat #newart #mybodymychoice #feministartist #vulvaart #anatomy #socialjustice #smashthepatriarchy #objectificationofmen
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