Pie 90
6″ Apple Pie
Hand Sculpted Vulva Art
Original text from Instagram here:
This piece was made in collaboration with M J @maryjhellstrom. We also collaborated on Pie 57 for the recumbent angle. Here are the words that she wanted to share with you:
“Hey there! I am an LMFT & a sex therapist! My journey begins as a highly sexually curious child living within the restriction & compulsory heterosexuality of conservative Christian purity culture. Years later, I continue deconstructing internalized purity culture, homophobia, & shame about my body and my sexuality in numerous & incomprehensibly subtle ways every single day as I seek to live an empowered, loving, queer life & support others in doing the exact same. I love my work as a sex therapist. I love my body. I love my queer community. I really love good sex. & I love my vulva!”
I appreciate her work and honesty so deeply. It was an honor for me to be trusted with her images! ❤
#piesinthewindow #yonilove #feministart #anatomyart #vivalavulva #reliefsculpture #endpurityculture #sexposi #myartstyle #sheher #embodied #loveyourbody #handsculpted

Baked Pie 90
With this group, I lost a lot of detail in baking the pies. Sometimes this happens, whether it was the heat of the oven, not letting the pies cure long enough before baking them, or something in the processing of the crust, I don’t know for sure. I have a feeling that this time it was my impatience to bake them. It happens sometimes and I have learned to live with it as part of using food as a media.
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