Pie 87
4″ Apple Pie
Hand sculpted vulva art
Original text from the Instagram post:
Pie 87
From scratch apple pie with hand-sculpted art.
The reference for this art was a model photo submitted to my website. The model wishes to remain anonymous, but she wanted you to read her story:
“My labia has always been a sensitive topic for me. My mother and sister used to compare my growing and changing body as a young girl. They would tell me I needed to get rid of them. I could see their outline in bathing suits, sometimes even get in the way while I ran. I became embarrassed by them as I started having my first sexual encounters. “Meat flaps” as boys would call them. But exactly that, Boys. Now being newly married, I embrace them, I admire them, I admire her and they are loved. I chose to be involved in this project because I think it’s important to show all the beautiful vaginas. I never saw a vagina that looked like mine until my 20’s. Now I chose to take of her, admire her, and show her the love I needed as a growing girl. “
I know this story will be powerful to many people with vulvas as so many of us have felt shame around our bodies. This is not a body part that we get to see easily, others or ours. We don’t even know what is normal and comments by others on appearances can really have an impact on us. Projects like Gynodiversity help us normalize diversity in our bodies and appreciate the beauty in different labia.
#piesinthewindow #handsculpted #figureart #womenmakingart #conceptualart #pleasures #embodied #yonilove #vivalavulva #endshame #contemporaryart

When baked, a lot of the detail was lost on this one. It happens sometimes and it’s always disappointing, but I don’t consider it a defeat. The purpose in the art was the creating of it and the model participating and letting the media behave in the way real pie dough behaves. These pies are edible and made from scratch with the same ingredients that I would make a dessert pie and pie crust does what it wants!
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