Pie 74
6″ Cherry Pie
Hand sculpted vulva art, hand painted with edible paints
Original from the Instagram post
Pie 74
This pie was made in collaboration with Eudo, she graciously shared her images for me to use for this pie and the upcoming Pie 77. The baked image can be seen on my website! She also shared the following:
“I’m 48 years old, also an artist and recently divorced after a 26 years relationship.
3 years ago, I took and sent my first vulva pic and it made me really look at it. It also made me realize that I had already seen it but had never looked, analyzed, detailed.
I realized that I had no idea whatsoever if it looked different before I gave birth or if my episiotomy had changed it a lot. Not knowing something so intimate about myself made me realize that I had grown as a women completely ignoring the very thing about my body that defined me as such in society.
That’s how, what was at first a casual exchange then became an art project of reappropriation of my image, my desires, my sexuality and of the struggle over feminine identity and its symbols.
For the past 3 years now I’ve taken a picture of my vulva almost every day.
Like some kind of vulva diary where each photo is an entry into my day and my way of testifying many things such as pride, freedom, reappropriation… And pubic hairstyles!
I’m not sure yet where this is going nor what I would like to do with it but participating at “Pies in the window” seemed a good start to go a little public with my fancy pussy diary. Hearts up!”- Eudo
So many of us go years, decades, or even a whole lifetime without ever looking at our body! Reconnecting and examining the ideas you’ve been carrying about your body and where they originated can be a wonderful starting point for ending shame and increasing the pleasure in your life.
#piesinthewindow #selfexamination #yonipower #yonilove #yoni #vivalavulva #vulvapower #pussy #pussyart #pussypower #sexed #endstigma

Reclining and Frontal Side By Side Images

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