6″ Blueberry Pie
Hand sculpted vulva art surrounded with cut and hand sculpted sweet peas

Original Text from the Instagram Post:
Pie 50
In the language of flowers, the sweet pea holds the symbolic meaning of blissful pleasure.
Its taxonomic name is from the Greek word “Lathyros’” meaning pea or pulse, and the Latin word “odoratus,” meaning fragrant.
I thought it was the perfect flower for this pie.
6” Blueberry pie with hand sculpted all butter crust
Baked Pie 51
Every time we get too high, they try to knock us down a peg. Love your tattoo- “oh, that’s a tramp stamp”- love your piercing – “oh that means she’ll suck you off”- stand up for equality-“oh, you don’t even know what a woman is” – it goes on and on.
This type of shame and control can be traced back through written history. From the clothes we wear to places we can be… 😢
We aren’t falling for their shame game bs any more.
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