Series 1/ Pie 3
4″ Dark Sweet Cherry Pie
Made from scratch with all butter crust
Hand sculpted vulva diversity pie crust art

If you’d like to know more about Series 1 you can read my post about it —-> HERE
Original Text from the Instagram Post:
The layers and folds of the body leading inward. Labia majora, labia minora, vestibule… our bodies are magical.
4” mini cherry pie with all butter crust 🍒
#vulvaart #pieart #pieartist #foodartist #pielover #yoni #yoniverse #piesinthewindow #vulvalove #labia #loveyourbody #reliefsculpture #ownit #femalebody #cherrypie #vulvapower #vagina #foodporn #eroticfood #americanpie #womanartist #feministart #normalizenormalbodies #vaginaart #dessertporn #piecrust
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