Pie 93
6″ Apple Cherry Pie
Hand sculpted and painted with edible oil paints
Pie 93
This pie was a collaboration with Momma_CC – she shared the words:
“I absolutely love the art that you create and would love to see myself in a piece of it.”
Having a person love my art and want to support in the creation of it is the ultimate compliment for me as an artist. I hope that seeing this art gives you a moment to pause and celebrate creation and beauty and remember that there is pleasure and joy to be found. ❤️
#piesinthewindow #feministart #pleasurematters #creatingjoy #takeupspace #gyneco #womanartistsoninstagram #anatomyart #labial #reliefsculpture
Baked Pie 93
Get fresh baked news about Pies in the Window on the first Friday of every month!
Pie 92
6″ Apple Cherry Pie
Hand sculpted and painted with edible oil paints
This pie was created using a photo submitted via my website – they chose to remain anonymous. This is the story they wish to share with the image:
“I was always, and still am, not really knowledgeable about why my vulva looks how it does or how it even all works. However, if sharing this helps other vulva-owners feel alright in their bodies, then that’s something to be happy about and a good reason for someone (18+) to share theirs. Hair is okay and so are the many other things that make our vulvas different.”
This project started suddenly one morning with a thought that as women are were like pies in a window, assumed for consumption. Whether we intentionally present ourselves as an available treat or not, we get placed into the role and judged accordingly. As I presented the pies in the social media window, a magical thing happened: The diversity and beauty transcended the objectification. These detailed views have resonated with people in ways that I never imagined.
Encouraging self discovery, supporting others surviving unspeakable things, finding courage to exist unapologetically, inspiring creativity, igniting self love journeys, realizing the flaps and folds are all “normal” … and above all we are RESILIENT! This is but a fraction of the good that I have witnessed while making this art and it by far outweighs the negative.
#piesinthewindow #vulva #vulvaart #vulvapower #pleasures #handsculpted #humananatomy #conceptualart #artseries #unusualart
Baked Pie 92
Get fresh baked news about Pies in the Window on the first Friday of every month!
Pie 91
6″ Apple Cherry Pie
Handsculpted and handpained with edible oil paints
This pie was created in collaboration with Cr34te.tur3 (she/ her/ they/ them)- I’m grateful for their generosity in sharing their images to use for my art making. Here are the words that she wanted to share with the finished art:
“I’m sure like many vulva owners, In school I felt ashamed and embarrassed about my body, in particular my wonky labia and the mole on the outside of my Vulva. I tried cutting the mole off a few times when I was younger… it obviously it didn’t work. I believe this was because of the lack of education and the toxic culture of girls shaming girls, most likely because they felt ashamed themselves. Through the practice of nudity, open communication, and the luck of some amazing friends and lovers, I feel more comfortable now than I have my whole life. Pies in the window is an awesome platform for educating and celebrating female anatomy and when I discovered it I was totally hyped! My partner said it made him cringe. But knowing that there is a community and there are creators in the world who appreciate the natural beauty and variety of vulvas helps me to maintain my healthy relationship with myself. So thank you! 🤍”
This is a 6″, made from scratch apple cherry pie. The art is hand sculpted and hand painted using edible oil paints.
“The creation of something beautiful, something with eternal themes that can not be eradicated or even substantially diminished by the woes of the world, is in itself an act of resistance and defiance. It becomes a monument to survival.” – Elizabeth Miller (from blog post When Creating Beauty is an Act of Defiance – @ parrishouse)
#piesinthewindow #yoni #bodydiversity #artwillsaveus #createeverydamnday #figuresculpture #humananatomy #handsculpted #yoniart #pleasures #socialcommentary #womenmakingart
Baked Pie 91
This time I was very happy with the baking of the 6 pies in this batch! I believe waiting longer between finishing them and baking them allows the crust to sort of cure so that the heat doesn’t cause distortion or moving pieces.
Get fresh baked news about Pies in the Window on the first Friday of every month!